Three-phase kWh/kW (energy only and/or demand) meter used to monitor electric power usage of individual loads after the utility meter.


E-Mon Class 2000 Meters are designed to provide the basic building blocks of an affordable, effective and scalable energy management system. These easy to install meters can monitor anything from a specific load panel to an entire building.

Energy usage data can be viewed via meters, LCD display for easy walk up and read, monitoring of energy consumption. Remote metering via E-Mon Energy Automatic Meter reading (AMR) or Web-Mon Web Enabled Monitoring systems is also easily interfaced for tenant billing energy management and cost allocation.

Features & Benefits:

  • Direct-read 2-line alpha-numeric LCD display without multiplier displays cumulative kWh and “real-time” kW load
  • Available in MMU (Multiple Meter Unit) enclosures containing up to 24 meters in one compact enclosure
  • Revenue-grade accuracy
  • Current sensor installation diagnostics
  • Fixed pulse output
  • Non-volatile memory
  • Maintains reading in the event of power failure
  • Meter can be used on the following configurations: 2-phase/3-wire and 3-phase/3- or 4-wire with included current sensors from 100-3200A
  • A demand option displays the kW peak demand over a 15- or 30-minute demand interval
  • Industrial grade JIC steel and optional NEMA 4X polycarbonate enclosure (standard) with padlocking hasp & mounting flanges for indoor/outdoor installation.


  • California CTEP
  • California Energy Commission
  • UL/CUL Listed
  • ANSI C12.20
  • New York City approved
  • Con Edison approved for RSP program

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